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Nail Kit – The Purpose of Each Item

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We take pride in keeping our hands tidy, as they often speak volumes about us. So, if you’re one of those individuals experimenting with different nail designs and colors, it’s time to talk about the nail kit. Do you know the purpose of each tool it comprises?

Since this may not be our first time purchasing a nail kit, and we believe that not all of these tools will serve the same purpose, it’s best to understand what each piece is used for before diving in. By doing so, we can be sure to double our enjoyment.


  1. Nail Kit: Nail Polish
  2. Cuticle Pusher Tool
  3. Cuticle Nippers and Scissors
  4. Nail Clippers
  5. Cuticle Knife
  6. Combo Tool

Nail Kit: Nail Polish

One of the tools commonly found in every nail kit is nail polish. It has a triangular tip, and we may not always know its purpose, but it’s used for cleaning the nails. After cutting or filing them, dirt may accumulate underneath, and this tool provides a perfect way to remove it. How often do you use it?

Cuticle Pusher Tool

Because we shouldn’t always trim the cuticles, there’s a tool in nail kits designed to push them back without removing them. For this, you’ll need a tool with a scraper or spoon-shaped end and a rounded top. So, the cuticles can be pushed back, especially when this area is hardened. Now it’s time to start with our nail care routine!

Cuticle Nippers and Scissors

Likewise, for the cuticles, we’ll have two main tools. On the one hand, scissors, which are the sharpest and best for pointed tips, as well as curved smoothness. Of course, upon seeing them, we’ve already noticed the difference from regular scissors. Because these are thinner, they can only cut cuticles. Although nippers also have the same function as scissors, their edges are sharper and can cut what’s known as the skin.

Nail Clippers

Of course, when we talk about cuticle nippers, we don’t want nail clippers to be left behind. They are excellent for cutting and shaping the nails. However, they are more suitable for thicker nails on both hands and feet. So, to avoid damaging the area to be treated, remember that it’s only used in this case, where there’s a denser nail-shaped area that can’t be cut with scissors.

Cuticle Knife

There’s another tool we may not use too often, although it’s essential in some cases. When we have some skin that’s slightly separated from the nail area, we’ll use this knife. Although its shape isn’t like the knives we know. It’s about a head with fine blades, shaped like a flat comb. Simply put, we’ll use it to remove those already separated skins without much trouble. Sometimes, in nail kits, we find another similar tool but in a “V” shape. They both serve the same purpose.

Combo Tool

Sometimes, we also see how the same tool has a double head, not just one. But there’s no reason to be surprised because it serves the same purpose as some we’ve been discussing. That is, there might be one that can clean the nails and push back the cuticles simultaneously. Thus, with just this instrument, we can accomplish two tasks at once.

Needless to say, nail files will also appear in the nail kit we all know, along with tweezers and even nail clippers.

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