Can Pregnant Women Get Their Nails Done?
Many expectant mothers often find themselves pondering a question: Can pregnant women really get their nails done? It’s been ages since they’ve had their nails done, and they’re feeling a bit self-conscious! So, can you actually get a manicure during pregnancy? Many people around you might insist that it’s a no-go! Some even hesitate to use makeup and skincare products during this time… Today, we’re here to unravel the mystery of whether or not “Pregnant women can get their nails done!” Why Do Some People Say Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Get Their Nails Done? Nail polish generally falls into two categories: solid components, primarily composed of pigments and glitter substances, and liquid solvents, mainly consisting of acetone, ethyl acetate, and formaldehyde. Among these, the most harmful substances in nail polish for the human body are benzene, methanol, and phthalates. Benzene can affect the central nervous system and stimulate frequent constriction of our respiratory tract, while methanol can mildly irritate our liver, kidneys, heart, and other organs. Improper use can lead to minor poisoning, occasional fatigue, nausea, and, in severe cases, temporary blurred vision. Some experts have conducted research on animals and found that high concentrations of phthalates can disrupt endocrine function