Does Nail Art Lead to Darkened Skin or Cancer?
Nail art, hair styling, and eyelash extensions – the essential trifecta for every modern fairy. Among them, nail art remains the most controversial. Some adore it, considering it a form of fingertip art that elevates one’s mood, while others are concerned that it may harm nails, cause skin darkening, and even pose cancer risks. So, the question arises, does nail art really lead to darkened skin or cancer? Let’s delve into the details and clear the air. What Exactly Are Nails? Human nails are thin, oval-shaped structures made up of aggregated keratinocytes at the tips of our fingers. They primarily consist of keratin, lipids, and water, and their growth is driven by the secretion of keratin from the nail matrix. Nails can be divided into the nail body (visible part) and the nail root (the part growing beneath the skin). Healthy nails grow at an average rate of 0.1 millimeters per day, with an average renewal period of 6-9 months for each nail. Does Nail Art Damage Nails, Making Them Thin and Brittle? Yes, it does. Frequent nail art applications, incorrect nail polish removal methods, improper use of filing tools, overuse of electric nail files, and forcibly peeling off nail